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<div>Dear Arts Announce moderators, </div>
<div>We hope you will consider posting the following announcement of our upcoming workshops.</div>
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<div>Jane Forgay, Liaison Librarian for History and Political Science</div>
<div>Lauren Doyle, Liaison Librarian for English Literature and Language</div>
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<div><b>Big Text Matters: Three Virtual Workshops using </b><b><i>Digital Scholar Lab</i></b><b> for Researchers </b><b>&</b><b> Teachers</b></div>
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<div>December 7, 2020</div>
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<div>Attend one, two, or all of these workshops hosted by the University of Waterloo Library relating to Gale’s <a href="https://lib.uwaterloo.ca/web/research-databases/id/1593"><font color="#0563C1"><i><u>Digital Scholar Lab</u></i></font></a>.</div>
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<div><a href="https://cengage.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtf-mqrzgoGNEQonOtKM3WssqlZEUrmZTK"><font color="#0563C1"><u>Register</u></font></a> once for one, two, or all three workshops.</div>
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<div>Here’s the line up:</div>
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<div>1. <b>Creating a Corpus or Dipping your Toes into Digital Humanities Data</b></div>
<div> Time: 1pm – 2:15 est </div>
<div style="padding-left:36pt;">Practice using Gale’s <i>Digital Scholar Lab</i> (DSL) with experts on hand to guide you. Get comfortable with DSL’s search, build, clean, and analyse functions. Learn how to create and clean a content set.<br>
<b>P</b><b>resenters:</b> Sarah Ketchley, Digital Humanities Specialist & Kevin Kohls, Gale Primary Sources Consultant </div>
<div>2. <b>Tool Training Deep Dive</b></div>
<div> Time: 2:30-3:45 est </div>
<div style="padding-left:36pt;">Practice using one or more of Gale’s <i>Digital Scholar Lab’s</i> analysis tools with experts on hand to guide you. We’ll take a deep dive into: Name Entity Recognition, Sentiment Analysis, and Topic Modeling. Familiarity with
<i>Digital Scholar Lab</i> is an asset.</div>
<div style="padding-left:36pt;"><b>Presenters:</b> Sarah Ketchley, Digital Humanities Specialist & Lindsey Gervais, Gale Digital Pedagogy Specialist</div>
<div>3. <b>Bringing it to the Classroom</b></div>
<div> Time: 4-5:15 est</div>
<div style="padding-left:36pt;">Learn how to integrate aspects of Gale’s <i>Digital Scholar Lab</i> and geographical positioning systems into your courses and within D2L’s Learn. This demo uses examples from Waterloo-owned primary sources from Gale.<br>
<b>Presenters:</b> Sarah Ketchley, digital humanities specialist and Lindsey Gervais, Gale digital pedagogy specialist</div>
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<div><a href="https://cengage.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtf-mqrzgoGNEQonOtKM3WssqlZEUrmZTK"><font color="#0563C1"><u>Register</u></font></a> once for one, two, or all three workshops.</div>
<div> Questions? Contact:</div>
<div><a href="mailto:jdforgay@uwaterloo.ca"><font color="#0563C1"><u>Jane Forgay</u></font></a>, liaison librarian for History and Political Science</div>
<div><a href="mailto:l6doyle@uwaterloo.ca"><font color="#0563C1"><u>Lauren Doyle</u></font></a>, liaison librarian for English Literature and Language</div>
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