_______________________________________________ The artsannounce mailing list is to be used for announcements concerning public lectures and other kinds of events or opportunities that might be of interest to many of the individuals employed within the Faculty of Arts. The artsannounce mailing list includes all interested staff and faculty within Arts, and is intended to replace the artsstaff and artsfac mailing lists for these purposes. Anyone who does not wish to receive these kinds of announcements may unsubscribe from the list at any time. To unsubscribe from artsannounce send an empty email message to artsannounce-leave@artslist.uwaterloo.ca and then simply reply to the confirmation message. If you change your mind you can also re-subscribe to artsannounce via this web page: https://artsservices.uwaterloo.ca/mailman/listinfo/artsannounce Archives of past postings to the artsannounce list can be found here: https://artsservices.uwaterloo.ca/pipermail/artsannounce/