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The Longhouse Labs at the University of Waterloo is proud host <i>Treaty Girl</i>, an exhibit created by Courtney Skye (Mohawk Nation, Turtle Clan) and curated by Alex Jacobs-Blum (Cayuga Nation, Wolf Clan).</div>
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<b>Running from October 1 to November 5, <i>Treaty Girl </i>is open to the public on Tuesdays from 9:30 - 3:30, or by appointment.</b> To make an appointment, please email
<u><a href="mailto:l36macdonald@uwaterloo.ca" id="OWAba8f3c8e-23dd-133d-05d7-88e20c0036d3" class="OWAAutoLink" style="margin: 0px;">Logan MacDonald</a></u>.</div>
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>From the artist statement: </div>
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This exhibition is a love letter to Haudenosaunee girlhood. It is for Haudenosaunee girls who carry on our ways of being and knowing. Girls who inherit the responsibility to carry on the centuries old governance, land stewardship, and material culture. Girls
who will become parents, teachers, healers, storytellers. Girls who are paying attention to the legacies we leave, the tools we hand to them, and the burdens colonialism has placed on their shoulders.</div>
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Rooted in Y2K and femme aesthetics, <i>Treaty Girl</i> reflects the nostalgia of my girlhood and explores Haudenosaunee worldview and the influences of western pop culture on our lives.</div>
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<i>“Treaty Girl aims to make visible the many generations of girls who are embodying Treaty, survival, and joy.”</i></div>
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<b><a href="https://uwaterloo.ca/arts/events/treaty-girl-exhibit-longhouse-labs" id="LPlnk572067" class="OWAAutoLink" title="https://uwaterloo.ca/arts/events/treaty-girl-exhibit-longhouse-labs">EVENT INFO</a></b></div>
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<b>WHEN:</b> Tuesdays from 9:30AM-3:30PM until November 5</div>
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<b>WHERE:</b> Longhouse Labs, East Campus Hall (ECH) </div>
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<img alt="A large photo of hands wearing multiple beaded bracelets surrounded by string lights and smaller photos mounted on a pink wall " id="image_0" width="601" height="451" size="3683694" contenttype="image/jpeg" style="width: 601px; height: 451px;" data-outlook-trace="F:1|T:1" src="cid:27480565-5bb4-4705-969d-719fb63696ac"></div>