Thanks for your support of the USENET groups...

Mark Kupferman catseye at MINERVA.CIS.YALE.EDU
Thu May 12 11:16:43 EDT 1994

This is just a brief note to thank everyone who participated
in the vote to create the USENET groups,,, and rec. The groups were officially established
on Monday, May 9 and are all showing a pretty good amount of
traffic. You are, of course, welcome to participate.
For those of you who missed it, here are the one line
description of each of the newsgroups:        Misc. topics and issues in theatre    Musical theatre around the world       Dramaturgy and discussion of plays  Issues in stagecraft and production
Keep in mind that, at present, none of these groups are gatewayed
to mailing lists. In order to access and participate in these
groups you will need access to some kind of news server and
news reading software, which can probably be obtained from your
local system administrator. While I would imagine that it is
possible to have the groups gatewayed, I have to admit that
I haven't any idea how one would go about establishing such
a link.
Thanks again for your support!
Mark Kupferman                     catseye at
Yale School of Drama
Yale Repertory Theatre

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