Candrama on Internet

Richard Sutherland Richard_Sutherland at MINDLINK.BC.CA
Thu Nov 17 12:49:33 EST 1994

As co-editor of the ACTR Newsletter, I heartily endorse Ed Mullaly's
suggestion for an Internet location. Perhaps this is somewhat peripheral,
but I am struck by the number of postings I see on the Usenet Theatre group
that relate to Canadian theatre that never appear on the Candrama list. I
have, on many occasions, e-mailed the senders to inform them of the
Candrama list, of which they had either been unaware, or perhaps were
discouraged by the low amount of mail on the system. At any rate, the
Candrama list at the moment is vastly under-used, which seems a pity. But
Ed's probably right--it does seem typically Canadian.
Richard_Sutherland at

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