Internet site, Candrama, Oleanna, and more discussion topics

Kathy Chung kchung at EPAS.UTORONTO.CA
Thu Nov 17 20:47:10 EST 1994

(1) Having an Internet site for Cdn drama sounds fine to me.  Out of
    curiosity, who will look after it?
(2) Two related questions re Candrama and _Oleanna_
 (a) This might be a silly question but *what* topics are up for discussion
     on CANDRAMA?  Plays *by* Canadians?  Plays *about* Canadian
     subjects?   Theatre practice in Canada?
     I am prompted to ask this because of several _Oleanna_ related
         i) UBC did a reading of _Oleanna_ last academic year
        ii) I saw the Ashland production over the summer and the Toronto
            productionthis fall
       iii) I was contacted requesting info about the productions I saw
        iv) I was uneasy about how many companies were doing the play but
            I didn't realize the extent to this until I saw Brownyn Drainie's
            17 Nov 1994 _Globe and Mail_ article (p. E1) stating that *12*
            Canadian companies were/are/will be producing the play!
      so . . .
 (b) are we permitted to discuss, on CANDRAMA, the prevailance of
     _Oleanna_ on the Canadian stage?  . . . assuming anyone *wants* to
     discuss it to begin with.
      possible topics:
        - what were audience responses during the performance *you* saw?
        - did any of the Canadian companies have discussions before/after the
        _ is the play being taught at a university you know?  if so,
          what approaches were taken?  What issues came up?
        - does anyone feel it reflects an American outlook more than a
          Canadian one?  If so, how?  If not, why?
        - I've had it suggested that American professor/student "etiquette"
          may be different than Canadian ones . . . is there any basis to
          this suggestion?  ("You're asking for gross generalisations
          Kathy!"  I know . . . anything to start a discussion??)
Anyway . . . all this might be moot.  There are lots of other things to
discuss on CANDRAMA (how are Cdn theatres administered?  how much Canadian
theatre is taught in this country?  what is the variety of theatre courses
offered?  what should be the goal/objectives of M.A. or PhD. comprehensive
exams?  Has anyone come across a really neat theatre archive and would
like to share her/his experience?  Which is the lastest Canadian play
you've seen, and how was the production?  do you feel that surtitles in
opera (a technique pioneered by the Canadian Opera Company) has
"democratised" opera or affected it in any other way? . . .  I admit some of
these topics were borrowed from friends and class discussions) but I thought
I'd give it a go and get some responses one way or another!
Cheers!  ---- Kathy.

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