Wed Oct 26 19:13:22 EDT 1994

This message is to announce the creation of a
new mailing list on the Internet.  The name of
this list is ARS.DIGIT-L.
ARS.DIGIT-L is a mailing list devoted to the
discussion of the merging of the world of
digital technology with the world of
performing arts.
This list is open to all individuals who are
interested in the technological and aesthetic
impact that computerization has had, is
having, and will have on the performing arts
of theatre, dance, music, etc.  The scope of
this list is not intended to serve as a forum
for the use of digital technology in the
static arts, such as painting and sculpture.
There are many mailing lists already dealing
with digital photography, painting, etc.
While these disciplines are intrinsically
related to the performing arts, and are bound
to be part of the continuing dialogue and
discussion, they are not the main focus of
this list.
The major guidelines by which this list
operates are TOLERANCE and CIVILITY.  List
members need to remember that this is an open
and free forum for the exchange of ideas -- no
matter how radical or disagreeable we may find
them at times.  At the same time, we need to
maintain a sense decorum that fosters the
exchange of ideas, rather than hindering it.
Prejudice, slander, and vulgarity don't have a
place on this list, and will not be tolerated.
Periodically, I will post a message with the
commands for signing on to and off of this
list, along with other pertinent commands.
Also, please note that there are two main
addresses associated with this list that are
used for separate purposes.  They are as
     ars.digit-l at
     -----This is the distribution list
     address.  Send all articles, comments, etc,
     here and they will be forwarded to all
     listproc at
     -----This is the administrative address
     of the list.  Send all requests for
     subscriptions, help files, etc to this
To subscribe from this list, send a mail
message to the administrative address
(listproc at with the following
body (blank subject):
  SUB ars.digit-l your_first_name your_last_name
To unsubscribe to this list, send a mail
message to the administrative address
(listproc at with the following
body (blank subject):
     unsubscribe ars.digit-l
If you require any assistance, or information
about this list, other than that available
through the help files, please contact the
list owner (a human and not a machine) at:
        stjones at
Thank you.
Steven T. Jones
Assistant Professor of Design & Technology
Middle Tennessee State University
List Owner: ARS.DIGIT-L

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