Candrama site on the World Wide Web

Ed Mullaly MULLALY at UNB.CA
Wed Jan 18 09:36:19 EST 1995

        I have talked to a number of ACTR colleagues about the usefulness of
creating a single WWW site somewhere in etherspace which might be useful in
a number of areas.  TRIC could 'publish' the table of contents of upcoming
or recent issues, around a tempting bit of puffery concerning subscriptions,
or possibly an interesting article that might spark debate at the next
Learneds.  Newsletter editors (or others) could use it to proclaim
time-sensitive material such as conference paper deadlines, prize deadlines,
job openings, etc, or even put the entire Newsletter on the Internet.  The
ACTR Executive might want to publish a list of (paid-up) members and their
addresses, or the program for Montreal, or whatever.
The structure would involve an address -- CANDRAMA comes to mind -- which
would have a home page on the World Wide Web, which can easily be accessed
by Mosaic or NetScape or whatever program you have that leads into the WWW.
This home page would say something about being sponsored (if the ACTR
executive would want this) by ACTR, give a little blurp about the
Association, and indicate that this site contains a variety of information
groupings, such as Newsletter information, TRIC material, Association stuff,
whatever.  We could even include a site for CTR.  Ches Skinner could include
a large page of those who haven't paid their dues yet!   The individual
simply clicks on the area of interest on the 'home page' and a new 'page' or
pages appears with the appropriate info.  This info can be easily undated,
changed, etc.  I'm prepared to do the work of setting this up, if it seems
an interesting idea.  If you have ideas (pro or con), or suggestions as to
the sort of material you feel should be available on a site, let's discuss
them in our Candrama group.  Email your ideas to Candrama at
        Ed Mullaly

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