Heather McCallum Scholarship

paula sperdakos sperdakos at TSUNAMI.SCAR.UTORONTO.CA
Tue Apr 23 14:53:01 EDT 1996

A reminder: the deadline for applications for the 1996 Heather McCallum
Scholarship is fast approaching!
        The Heather McCallum Scholarship was established in 1987 by the
Association for Canadian Theatre Research to honour the former Head of the
Theatre Department of the Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library.
        This annual award of up to $1000 is available for both new and
established theatre scholars.
        The fund encourages applications for a variety of projects related
to performing arts in Canada, and especially to Canadian theatre research.
While the scholarship is open to all fields related to theatre in Canada
(dance, opera, film, television and design), it would be preferable if there
were some relation to theatre research.
        Applicants must provide: a letter (1 or 2 pages) describing the
project for which assistance is requested; a detailed breakdown of cost; an
up-to-date curriculum vitae; names of two persons who have been asked to
send letters of reference directly to the secretary of the Committee;
information concerning applications to other granting agencies.
        Applications should be sent to:
        Paula Sperdakos, Secretary
        Heather McCallum Scholarship Fund Committee
        252 Brunswick Avenue
        Toronto, Ontario M5S 2M7
        Fax 416-927-1079
 *     "Don't it always seem to go,                          *
 *      That you don't know what you've got till it's gone,  *
 *      They paved paradise,                                 *
 *      And put up a parking lot."                           *
 *                                                           *
 *                               -Joni Mitchell              *
 *                                "Big Yellow Taxi"          *

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