NFB catalog on Internet site?

Jamie Skidmore skidmore at EPAS.UTORONTO.CA
Tue Feb 6 00:07:18 EST 1996

At 10:19 PM 05/02/96 -0500, you wrote:
>A couple of weeks ago, I posted a request about sources to rent/buy videos
>of hard-to-find plays, films. etc. and many of you were very helpful. Thanks.
>One more question: Does anyone know if the National Film Board catalog is
>available electronically on some web or FTP site? I'm trying to save
>the$6.84 it would otherwise cost for the paper version.
>David Akin                      jdakin at
I did a YAHOO search under NFB and came up with the National Film Board's
web site.
Along with a multitude of other information, their catalogue is available
Here's how:
Their address is:  HTTP://
- choose english or french (I chose english  -- and these are the steps to
enter into the catalogue)
- once you've chosen "english" or "french," choose "distribution"
- next choose "collection"
- then select "categories" (other options such as cast or director are also
- choose #81 - Theatre
- an example of choices within "theatre" is the "Lysistrata" #33
- once you choose a title you will find the film's length, call no. and a
short description - the format was not listed under this selection (in the
old days many films were not available on vhs -- I don't know if this is
still the case)
- there are maps and phone numbers available in order to obtain the film
Hope this is helpful

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