George Walker

Lea V. Usin lusin at AIX1.UOTTAWA.CA
Tue Feb 13 20:05:20 EST 1996

On Tue, 13 Feb 1996, Sid Ypma wrote:
> Hello, I'm new to the list and am excited about the possibilities.  So
> let's start right away.
> I would like to do a comparrison of George Walker's play "Love and Anger"
> and another of George Walker's plays.  I was wondering if their were any
> suggestions as to which play I should compare it to.  I'd be grateful
> because I'm not overly familier with George Walker's works.
> Thank you
> Sid Ypma
I hope this doesn't sound _too_  testy, but why not read them?  There
aren't that many and it would give you a good general context in which to
place any specific lines of comparison, which is another aspect that you
need to address.  I could be wrong, but this sounds like you've been
assigned an essay in a way designed to make you expand your own
acquaintance of a playwright's work.  Getting other people's suggestions
would tend to subvert this agenda.  Besides, his plays are such fun!
Lea V. Usin
Department of Theatre
University of Ottawa

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