H-ASIA: Japanese Theatre Training (fwd)

Shemina Keshvani keshvani at CHASS.UTORONTO.CA
Fri Jun 21 11:39:49 EDT 1996

I thought perhaps some people might be interested in this workshop.


>Portland Int'l Performance Institute: Japan Theater Offerings
>Enjoy Portland State University's (Oregon) summer of practical, physical
>training in Japanese theater July 22-Aug 15.  Intensive courses in kabuki
>(James R. Brandon), butoh (Joan Laage), kyogen (Yasushi Maruishi), and
>fusion (Jonah Salz, Laage) will be held at the sixth annual Portland
>International Performance Festival.Graduate an undergraduate credit are
>available; independent scholars and artists welcome.  Housing available.
>Contact Michael Griggs, 800-547-8887 x4832 email at michael at ses.pdx.edu.

>J_Salz at acad.fandm.edu
>Jonah Salz
>Associate Professor
>Faculty of Intercultural Communications
>Ryukoku University
>1-5 Yokotani Ooe cho
>Seta Otsu-shi Shiga-ken 520-21
>81-775-43-7729 fax
>81-775-43-7875 tel

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