Gary Chambers gchambers at UPANET.ULETH.CA
Sat Mar 9 06:25:01 EST 1996

            I guess I should introduce myself on this list.  I belong
to another list, and intros seem to be the norm there.
           My name is Gary Chambers.  My background is mainly
in writing, mostly journalism with forays into fiction.  I started
acting in summer stock while living in England about five years
ago, and kept up my theatre interests when I returned to Canada.
Or at least, I've been trying to.
          I haven't done a lot of stage work since I got back.  And when
I greased up for a panto last Christmas I felt as rusty as a 1975 Datsun.
I've done some theatre board work back here though (which was like
having a tooth pulled without anasthetic), and now I'm hoping to get
involved in some serious fund raising.
           I've also shifted some of my writing emphasis to theatre, but
I have some distance to travel along that road before I meet any of
you at the awards nights.  Working with a small but good commercial
company on fund raising, and taking the odd role, will at least keep my
feet damp while I hone the playwright's skills.
          No I am not related to Ron Chambers, and have yet to meet him,
although I have heard of him.  He seems to have a good reputation.
Well, with a name like that...I ask you....
         Sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner.  This is such a quiet group
compared to WRITERS, which is the other Listserv I subscribe to,
the thought of just plunging in seemed a bit like spitting in a chapel.
         But I did request some help on fund raising research and got
some responses, and I'm posting a rather explosive letter on
apprenticeship programs toay.  So I felt it was time I introduced
myself properly.
        (Actually, I posted the apprenticeship letter yesterday too,
but I'm a Newbie and I ended up putting it in someone's newsgroup
by accident.  Hope the Internet police don't catch up with me.)
         That's me done.
        I'll do a review command one of these days and get everyone's
Gary Chambers
Lethbridge, Alta.
Gary Chambers            e-mail: GCHAMBERS at
Public Access Internet
The University of Lethbridge

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