play within the play

Eric Grace esg at ISLANDNET.COM
Mon May 20 18:50:07 EDT 1996

Stoppard: Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are Dead (?)
Don Nigro: The Curate Shakespeare As You Like It (A wonderful and very
funny play about actors coming to understand themselves and Shakespeare and
Eric Grace
>Since theatre today no longer pretends to be a representation of the world,
>it has no other object but itself. I am interested in a very particular
>form of metadrama, that which occurs when the framed drama is well-known.
>Examples :
>Ackerman, L'Affaire Tartuffe or The Garrison Officers Rehearse Moliere and
>        Moliere, Tartuffe.
>Bouchard, Lilies and D'Annunzio, The Martyr of Saint Sebastian
>MacDonald, Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) and Shakespeare...
>Wertenbaker, Our Country's Good and Farquhar, The Recruiting Officer.
>I would appreciate hearing from anyone who can think of other examples,
>Canadian or otherwise.
>Mariel O'Neill-Karch
>Department of French
>University of Toronto

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