Theatre Information Service

Reinhard Riedl riedl at IFI.UNIZH.CH
Thu Oct 10 11:58:06 EDT 1996

I would like to announce to you

"Zurich's Cynical Theatre Guide", a free WWW information service
about Zurich's theatre scene including 10 WWW pages with the
following topics:

* recommendations for theatre-goers in 17 categories (reflecting the
  artistic value of the productions)
* reviews (written in German)
* surveys of past theatre seasons (with about 65 % of all productions
  (that is more than 500 productions out of about 750) presented in Zurich in
  the last three years
* surveys of theatre festivals in Zurich:
  - Theaterspektakel (theatre festival with invited free groups from Europe,
     America and Africa)
  - Steps (Swiss festival of dance with invited groups from all over the world)
  - Blickfelder (childrens' theatre festival with invited groups from
      Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, France,
      Spain, Romania, Sweden and other countries)
* special hints for theatre-goers in Zurich
* links to theatre bills

Its homepage has got the URL

Each page has got a short English introduction and short English explanations
at various places. Reviews are written in German. Surveys consider productions
in most languages, that is in German, Swiss German, English, and French, and in
exceptional cases (e.g. childrens' theatre or festival performances) in Italian
and also - in very rare cases - in Russian, Jiddisch, Hebrew, Arabic, Rumantsch
Grischun, Spanish, Portuguese, Serbo-Croat, Japanese etc.

Reinhard Riedl

Dr. Reinhard Riedl
Ifi, University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland

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