Gaetan Charlebois Gaetan_Charlebois at BABYLON.MONTREAL.QC.CA
Thu Oct 24 06:52:02 EDT 1996

I would be very grateful for any information on the fabulous Wright family.
There is precious little out there though I know that they helped change the
face of Western theatre (especially via Persephone, Cruel Tears, etc) and
that they worked at Stratford. I also know that there was a hideous fire in
Stratford (year?) that killed several in the family.

Also, besides Anne, Janet, Susan and Robert, are there others that were on
(or near) the stage? I met Susan, once, and she was talking about staging
Three Sisters with her sisters and brother playing the sisters and Andrei?
Did this happen?

Anything would be helpful.

Gaetan Charlebois
Theatre editor (Montreal Mirror)
Editor (The Encyclopedia of Canadian Theatre on the WWW)

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