Project on Management Studies for theAArts

sophia toumbalakis nh8780a at AMERICAN.EDU
Sun Apr 20 18:22:33 EDT 1997

Hello. My name is John Yeh. I am a graduate student at American
University studying arts management. I am currently participating in a
research program called Project on Management Studies for the Arts
        We are currently studying four Washington, DC area theaters; Wooly
Mammoth (modern theater and the approach to managing with a focus on new
artistry), Signature & Olney theaters (community theaters that have
grown very quickly and sustained that growth), and Roundhouse theater
(voluntarily restructered to switch from public to private funding
sources). We are trying to understand the factors that keep these arts
organizations alive and kicking.
        My job is to write a disemmination plan and find parties who would be
interested in our research. If you are interested in our findings,
please call me at (301) 490-8921 or write to me at

                                14015 Chestnut Ct.
                                Laurel, MD 20708


                                American University
                                Department of Performing Arts
                                POMSA/John Yeh
                                4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW
                                Washington, DC 20016

Although I have your e-mail address, I access the internet through
school and don't have an address of my own. I look forward to hearing
from you and have a good day.

                                                                John Yeh

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