Call for papers

Anne Nothof annen at ATHABASCAU.CA
Fri Aug 28 00:20:44 EDT 1998

"Theatrical Space in Postmodern Times: Contemporary Concepts and
Methodologies" - International Conference on Scenography, Theatre
Institute of Prague 16th - 20th June 1999.

Papers will be based on the appropriateness to the following Research
1. Theatrical space: historical research and the application of postmodern
2. Concepts and models in space analysis
3. Designing postmodern theatrical space and buildings
4. Designing postmodern costume
5. Designing postmodern lighting
6. Designing postmodern sound
7. Acting/performing in postmodern spaces

Convenors: Irene Eynat-Confino, Christine White, Robert Cheesmond

Prague Institute contacts: Eva Sormova and Mirka Potuckova
e-mail: kabinet.du at

Please send abstracts of no more than 200 words by e-mail to above
address by Oct 31, 1998.

Conference fee - US $80

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