
Howard Beye beyehl at ULETH.CA
Tue Dec 29 01:27:47 EST 1998

Dear all,
    i found this rummaging around in some forgotten boxes and thought
that you would like to read this little bit..
                            If    the   Earth
                      were   only  a    few   feet  in
                diameter,   floating  a   few     feet  above
             a   field    somewhere,     people     would    come
         from   everywhere   to   marvel   at    it.   People  would
       walk   around   it,    marveling   at  its   big     pools  of
      its   little pools   and   the  water   flowing    between   the
  People   would  marvel   at  the  bumps  on  it,  and  the  holes  in
     and  they   would    marvel  at  the  very  thin  layer  of  gas
      it    and    the    water   suspended   in    the   gas.   The
                             people   would
     marvel  at  all  the    creatures in  the water. The people would
                               declare it
        as   sacred   because  it     was  the only one,  and  they
                             would   protect
     it    so   that   it     would    not   be    hurt.  The    ball
                            would   be    the
       greatest      wonder       known,    and      people     would
                               come    to
   pray     to   i to    be    healed,   to   gain     knowledge,    to
  beauty       and   to    wonder     how   it    could   be.    People
  would     love    it,   and    defend   it    with    their     lives
           because     they    would     somehow    know    that
             their  lives,    their   own   roundness,   could
                be     nothing    without    it.   If     the
                       Earth    were    only   a    few
                             feet    in  diameter
                 Hope the holidays are treating you well
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