MFA Required (fwd)

Stephen Burge Johnson sjohnsn at MCMAIL.CIS.MCMASTER.CA
Fri May 1 12:45:28 EDT 1998

Please post and forward to any appropriate email groups and professional

McMaster University invites applications for a nine month, contractually
limited appointment in the School of Art, Drama and Music, commencing
September 1, 1998.  The successful candidate will hold the MFA degree in
directing or acting, and have on-going professional experience.  Previous
documented, successful teaching experience will be considered an asset.
Duties will include one full, introductory course in Acting, one
intermediate half course in Acting, and one full, senior level course in
Directing, leading to a term of student productions.  The successful
applicant will be expected to take part in other aspects of the work of
the Drama progamme, such as committee participation and/or directing a
full length play.  The appointment will be at the rank of Lecturer at a 9
month salary of $25,000.

McMaster University is committed to employment equity and encourages
applications from all qualified candidates, including women, aboriginal
peoples, people with disabilities and members of visible minorities.  In
accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given
to Canadian citizens and landed immigrants.

Applications, including curriculum vitae, letters from three referees, and
university transcripts should be sent to:  Dr. H. Hartwell, Director,
School of Art, Drama and Music, TSH 414, McMaster University, Hamilton
Ontario L8S 4M2.  Applications received before July 1, 1998 will be
assured of consideration.

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