Pedagogy and Listserves

Carrie Loffree carrie at DSUPER.NET
Fri May 15 08:18:00 EDT 1998

Hello, Candrama-ites!

I'm presenting a paper at this year's ACTR conference on "Using E-mail and
Listserves to Break Down the Walls of a Theatre Classroom" (May 28,
1:45-3:15, SMN-ACA).  I have posted a web site (friendly to stone-age
browsers and slow modems!) that summarizes the results of my research and
describes my experience with integrating these technologies into one of my
courses this winter.  I see my site as a sort of one-stop-shopping for
other profs interested in trying the same type of experiment, but who don't
have the time to research its feasibility.  Please feel free to check it
out if you're interested.

Feedback is always welcome and appreciated!

- Carrie Loffree, Montreal

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