Encyclopedia News; Aug 28

Gaetan Charlebois blajeune at TOTAL.NET
Sat Aug 28 17:58:22 EDT 1999

Hello All

Things are going rather well. This week we topped 1200 profiles (not
counting articles in the other sections like Reviews). (Oh, and if you want
the complete list of profiles...just ask.)

The 100th show was registered in the The Calendar (Shakespeare by the Sea,
Nf, "Richard III"). (BTW: Still nothing from Saskatchewan.)

A press mailing was sent out to spread the news but I have practically given
up on the press and am now counting on the Calendar and the participating
companies to get the word out that this thing exists. The reason the press -
especially theatre journalists - are not covering this site would make for
some interesting discussion. Any theories?

I'm taking a week off, so don't panic if you don't hear from me. However,
I've made Thea-Tricks a little more fun than usual, do dive in. Also
Heavenly Voices and The Calendar will be operating so if you have something
you want to put in, please do so.

Have a good week, a safe long weekend to come, and see you in the new


New Profiles:
The Other Theatre (Company)
Festival Antigonish (Festival)
Ertman, Morris (Designer) (http://www.canadiantheatre.com/e/ertmanm.html)
Bentley-Fisher, Tom (Director)
Amos, Janet (Director, Artistic Director)
Quebec Drama Federation (Organization)
Asselstine, Elizabeth (Designer)
Morelle, Denise (Actor) (http://www.canadiantheatre.com/m/morelled.html)

Thea-Tricks; Calendar/2 productions added; Heavenly Voices; Sources;
Masthead; Quebec; Christodoulou, S.; English Language Theatre in Quebec;
Alternative Theatre; Collective Creation; Nova Scotia; Festivals;  Foster,
N.; Children's Theatre; Sterling Award; Alberta; Designing; "Odd Jobs";
Bushkowsky, A.; Brooks, D.; Proulx, D.; Vingoe, M.; Eastern Front Theatre;
Playwrights' Workshop; Ravel, A.; Springford, N.; Richmond, B.; Les
Compagnons de St-Laurent; "Bonjour, la, bonjour";  Saskatchewan; 25th Street
Theatre; Gault, C.; Mitchell, T.; Nelson, G.; Newton, C.; Monette, R.;
Henry, M.; Learning, W.; Mighton, J.; Millaire, A.; Bedford, B.; Beissel,
H.; Belke, D.; Benson, S.; Blyth Festival; Theatre New Brunswick; Beaulne,
G.;  Lemieux, JM; Place des Arts; Théâtre de la Veillée; "Bousille et les
justes"; Coghill, J.; Designing; Shaw Festival; "Le Theatre Neptune en la
Nouvelle France";  Salle du Gésu; Dagenais, P.; Equipe, L'; Groulx, G.;
Compagnons de St-Laurent; Legault, E.; Giroux, A.; Frechette, L.; Rozet, F.;
Loranger, F.

Gaetan L. Charlebois (Editor, The Encyclopedia of Canadian Theatre on the
WWW) http://www.canadiantheatre.com or
If you want to join the Encyclopedia's mailing list (and get information
before anyone else as well as the Monday Hint for the Thea-Tricks Doozey),
simply send an e-mail to blajeune at total.net with the subject heading
"Mailing list"; if you wish to be removed from this mailing list, simply
reply to this e-mail with the subject heading: "Remove"

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