Chair in Canadian Theatre Studies

Wed Dec 1 09:08:02 EST 1999

Dear Colleagues,

"On p 24 of the current issue of UA, in article entitled "Chairs
will strengenth resarch," details are provided about how the
Federal Government's initiative in providing $300 million
in support of Chairs is likely to affect a number of disciplines.
SSHRCC expects to receive $60 million = 400 Chairs.
Then: "Once a university has selected a specialty area and
attracted a world--class {isn't this Toronto-talk?] researcher
to fill the chair, the position and prospective chair holder
will be reviewed by a peer review committee at one of the
granting councils . . . ."

The article adds: "' [the] candidate will have to be of international
quality' or risk being turned down by the peer review committee."

Do we, at ACTR, want to work towards making a case for a Chair
in Canadian Theatre Studies?  If so, we need to talk, develop
a model, and then find out how to pitch it effectively.  At
least this is what I think, at this stage.

Math is not my forte but I think that, on the SSHRCC side of
the budget, it works out to $150,000 a Chair.



Denis Salter
4965, avenue Connaught
Notre Dame De Grace
Montreal [Qc]
H4V 1X4
(514) 487 7309
cyws at
"As Shapiro chose the "disruptive exception" of Souillac in
preference to the statistically normative versions of Romaneque
art where the ordering principles are dictated by religious
precept, so Levi-Strauss *gave priority to the 'marginal'
art of the Salish, whose forms seem unbalanced and incomplete
[sigh! optical habits die hard] compared with those of the
Kwakiutl."--Roger Malbert

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