Chair in Canadian Theatre Studies

Moira day moiraday at DUKE.USASK.CA
Thu Dec 2 00:54:46 EST 1999

Dear Denis,
        I agree with Reid. This worth looking into.

Dear Colleagues,
>"On p 24 of the current issue of UA, in article entitled "Chairs
>will strengenth resarch," details are provided about how the
>Federal Government's initiative in providing $300 million
>in support of Chairs is likely to affect a number of disciplines.
>SSHRCC expects to receive $60 million = 400 Chairs.
>Then: "Once a university has selected a specialty area and
>attracted a world--class {isn't this Toronto-talk?] researcher
>to fill the chair, the position and prospective chair holder
>will be reviewed by a peer review committee at one of the
>granting councils . . . ."
>The article adds: "' [the] candidate will have to be of international
>quality' or risk being turned down by the peer review committee."
>Do we, at ACTR, want to work towards making a case for a Chair
>in Canadian Theatre Studies?  If so, we need to talk, develop
>a model, and then find out how to pitch it effectively.  At
>least this is what I think, at this stage.
>Math is not my forte but I think that, on the SSHRCC side of
>the budget, it works out to $150,000 a Chair.
>Denis Salter
>4965, avenue Connaught
>Notre Dame De Grace
>Montreal [Qc]
>H4V 1X4
>(514) 487 7309
>cyws at
>"As Shapiro chose the "disruptive exception" of Souillac in
>preference to the statistically normative versions of Romaneque
>art where the ordering principles are dictated by religious
>precept, so Levi-Strauss *gave priority to the 'marginal'
>art of the Salish, whose forms seem unbalanced and incomplete
>[sigh! optical habits die hard] compared with those of the
>Kwakiutl."--Roger Malbert

Moira Day, Associate Professor of Drama
moiraday at

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