Encyclopedia News-Feb 8

Gaetan Charlebois blajeune at TOTAL.NET
Mon Feb 8 20:09:33 EST 1999

Hello All

Things have slowed considerably and I am using this quiet time to tweak the
entire site. Traffic continues to be excellent and I get mountains of
e-mail from students around the world so that is extremely gratifying.
However, many of you have promised me information on various people and I
wait... Right now, I am looking for information on Paul Reynolds (late of
the Shaw Festival), Marek Norman (composer for Dracula, upcoming at
Stratford) and Leslie Arden (another composer).

I am also a little surprised with some of you out West who descended on me
like locusts on Egypt for having so little about the West but then
poof...you're gone! No info provided but the gripe still in the air. Since
the beta launch, there have been some 80 profiles added and over 70 per
cent have been on Western artists and institutions but there is clearly not

Also, I have two critics from Halifax, one from Ottawa and there's me in
Montreal but after considerable cajoling I have no one from west of
Toronto. Now, all I am asking for is the privilege of archiving previously
written material. I know that my own articles have no shelf life after
publication and can only serve as information as to which
company/actor/writer/designer was doing what when; information.

Heavenly Voices, though popular with visitors, doesn't have much new
information and I may remove it from the site as it just looks pathetic
sitting there with month-old info. If you have an event, news or just
something nice to say about someone/thing/production - that's what it's
there for. I'll keep it up for a month or so more to see what happens.

Meanwhile, I am still having a blast.

New Profiles:
Tamara (Play, John Krizanc)
Ronnie Burkett (Actor/Writer/Director/Puppeteer)

Reviews; Sources; Krizanc, J.; Necessary Angel;  Rose, R.; Schellenberg,
A.; Dale, C.; Cadeau, L.; "Prague"; Wetherall, J.; Hunter, M.; Oh, S.;
Maheu, G.; Goyette, C.; Reichenbach, O.; Pelletier, P.; Simard, G.; Gascon,


Gaetan L. Charlebois (Editor, The Encyclopedia of Canadian Theatre on the
WWW) http://www.canadiantheatre.com

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