Encyclopedia News; June 13

Gaetan Charlebois blajeune at TOTAL.NET
Sun Jun 13 19:34:39 EDT 1999

Hello All

The research into the feasibility for the National Theatre Calendar and
Registry continues. There is a lot of enthusiasm and noise especially after
I sent out a query mailing to theatre companies across the country. However,
there is very little news or input from west of Edmonton.

So here's what I'm asking of anyone who reads this: if you would like to
volunteer as a scout for this project, drop me an e-mail. Here's what is
involved: contacting five to ten theatre companies in your area, speaking to
their PR person and getting them to join the program or at least provide an
e-mail address so that I can contact them with the details. Then you drop me
an e-mail telling me you've done it and provide me with the e-mail addresses
of the companies. (The rest of the pestering will be up to me.) For this
service, I will include your name as contributor to the project in the
masthead (http://www.canadiantheatre.com/masthead.html). I figure if we can
get one company from each province then the others will probably get on the
bandwagon. I'd like to work on this in July with a possible August launch to
take advantage of the beginning of the new season.

You'll see I did quite a lot this week, but next week will be slower as I
throw myself into reviewing our local Fringe for my paper and its website.
The weeks after that I will be taking some downtime while I decide on and
possibly chart out the Calendar. However, I am still waiting for information
promised to me by some of you. Please send it along. It usually gets added
within days of my receiving it. (Even when I'm on downtime...And you CAN
send it by e-mail if you like...)

Also, don't forget to broadcast your regional news (or flack your play) in
Heavenly Voices. (http://www.canadiantheatre.com/heavenlyvoices.html)

And as it is the closing weeks for telling us about your Favourite Canadian
Plays, please do so quickly if you haven't already.

Finally say a little prayer for me to the godess of technology as I am about
to try (again) to hook up the new gizmos to my iMac (the same ones which
crashed the damn thing the last time).

New Profiles:
-Shakespeare by the Sea (Newfoundland; company)
-Mantel, Bronwen (Actor) (http://www.canadiantheatre.com/m/mantelb.html)
-Theatre des Confettis (Company, Quebec)
-Martel, Jean-Charles (Designer)
-Choiniere, Olivier (Playwright)
-Elizabeth Sterling Haynes Awards (Sterling Awards; Prize, Edmonton)
-"Insomnia" (Play, Daniel Brooks/Guillermo Verdecchia)

Thea-Tricks; Heavenly Voices; Reviews; Ten Favourites; Verdecchia, G.;
Bedford, B.; Chioran, J.; McKenna, S.; D'Aquila, D.; Campbell, B.; Ross, T.;
Peacock, L.; Johnson, G.; Cadeau, L.; Collins, P.; Beattie, R.; Henry, M.;
Leblanc, D.; Janson, A.; Russell, S.; Lyne, S.; Bolam, E.; Newton, C.;
Livent; Drabinsky, G.; Shakespeare; Shakespeare by the Sea (Nova Scotia);
Newfoundland; Young People's Theatre; Quebec;  Messier, J.F.; Designing;
Carrefour International de Theatre (Quinzaine International de Theatre);
Curran, C.; Hill, H.;  Theatre Le Clou; Vermeulen, B.; Cote, J.; Theatre de
la Recidive; Awards; Alberta; Burkett, R.; Ouimette, S.; Moher, F.; Lemoine,
S.; Storey, R.; Belke, D.; Walterdale Playhouse; Nelson, G.; Chambers, R.;
Cox, S.; Guinand, L.; Bushkowsky, A.;  Kennedy, L.; Verdecchia, G.; Brooks,
D.; Festival de Theatre des Ameriques; Podbrey, M.


Gaetan L. Charlebois (Editor, The Encyclopedia of Canadian Theatre on the
WWW) http://www.canadiantheatre.com or
If you want to join the Encyclopedia's mailing list (and get information
before anyone else as well as the Monday Hint for the Thea-Tricks Doozey),
simply send an e-mail to blajeune at total.net with the subject heading
"Mailing list"

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