IFTR/FIRT call for papers

Anne F. Nothof annen at ATHABASCAU.CA
Tue Nov 16 19:22:06 EST 1999

International Federation for Theatre Research
Federation Internationale pour la Recherche Theatrale

Annual Conference - 18-23 Sept, 2000 -- Lyon, France

Theatre Space: Sight and Sound

Call for Papers
Addressing the following themes:
-- From page to Stage
-- Actor constructin space, actor and voice
-- Creation and reception of sound in theatre space
-- Theatre lighting
--Scenography, props, costumes
--Iconography and transmission
--Teach theatre and theatre training
--Round table of young scholars

Please sned proposals stating title, a 300-word abstract and a cv before
Feb. 1 to:
Prof. Christine Hamon-Sirejols
Directrice du Department des Arts de la Scene, de l'Image et de l'Ecran,
Faculte des Lettres, Colloque FIRT, Universite de Lyon -- Campus Bron, 5
avenue Pierre Mendes-France, CP 11.69676 BRON Cedex, FRANCE
Fax (int. code) + 4 78 30 88 14
Email -- Christine.Hamon at univ-lyon2.fr

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