Question re Workers Theatre

Alex Hawkins jhawkins at GPU.SRV.UALBERTA.CA
Sun Oct 31 22:34:58 EST 1999

To the CANDRAMA list:

I am trying to locate the second scene to the play "Looking Forward" by
Frank Love.  I note that the play is published in *Eight Men Speak and
other plays from the Canadian Workers' Theatre*, edited by Richard Wright
and Robin Endres, on pages 15-19.  However, the play as published in the
book only has one scene, and there is supposed to be a second scene.  Two
clues:  first, a character listed at the beginning of the play - "Jim,
Betty's young man" - doesn't appear in the first scene at all; presumably,
he's in the second scene.  Second, E. Cecil-Smith, in his article on the
Workers' Theatre published in *Canadian Forum* in November 1933, describes
"Looking Forward" as "a two-scene play".

Does anyone know where I can find the second scene to this play?  Is the
play published in any other source?  Alternatively, if anyone has a copy of
it, and is able to share it, I would appreciate receiving it via E-mail or
fax.  I want to use the play in my Canadian theatre history survey course
in the unit on the Workers' Theatre.


Best wishes,
Alex Hawkins

Department of Drama
3-146 Fine Arts Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta  T6G 2C9

Phone:  (780) 492-8714
Fax:    (780) 462-9835
E-mail: jhawkins at

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