ACTR Newsletter submissions: Urgent

Glen Nichols nicholsg at UMONCTON.CA
Mon Feb 14 10:23:40 EST 2000

I apologize for duplicate mailings.

Due to disintegrating labour negotiations at the Université de Moncton, it would appear that a strike is very likely imminent here.  Because I may soon no longer have access to this office or university email, any submissions for the spring ACTR newsletter must be received here before February 25.

That includes any abstracts, reports, updates or notices.  Also, because I will not have access to students I will not be able to translate materials, so if you are submitting official materials you will have to provide them in both French and English.

I apologize for these difficulties, and can only hope for a miracle to avoid them, but I think it is prudent to be prepared.  I will assemble the spring newsletter with whatever I have received by Feb 25 and mail it out as normal in mid-March.

Thank you for your patience

Glen Nichols
Editor, ACTR Newsletter/Bulletin ARTC
Département d'anglais
Université de Moncton
Moncton, N.-B.   E1A 3E9
Tél: (506) 858-4144; Fax: (506) 858-4244

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