Fw: Elgin Exhibition

Denis.Salter d.salter at VIDEOTRON.CA
Thu Sep 13 11:42:44 EDT 2001

Dear Colleagues,

Some of you have asked for more details about the Theatre Museum exhibit at the Elgin and Winter Gardens in Toronto. Here it is:

"The Theatre Museum: Our Heritage,"
will be on view from November 6 to Spring 2002. It will be "open to
theatregoers prior to performances and during intermission. Public tours of
the Elgin and Winter Garden theatres (189 Yonge Street) include the
exhibit: Thursdays at 3:00 p.m. ; Saturdays at 11:00 a.m..
Adults $7.00, Students and Seniors $6.00."
For group tours phone: 416-597-0965; in French: 416-325-5015.

The Theatre Museum's phone # is: 416-837-2516 / fax: 416-351-0217/ e-mail:
theatremuseum at yahoo.com.


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