dkeith dkeith at SILK.NET
Fri Feb 8 14:14:46 EST 2002

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you to all of you who responded to my question with support, concern and ideas. My deadline is Monday Feb 11 to tell the students what we will be doing, so all of the brainstorming on line has been encouraging and helpful.

I have forwarded all the replies to the group, hope that's ok. I just thought you would like to read some of the ideas. Please don't panic. It's not a virus.

Our Theatre program is well
established, and the students have been exposed to a lot of great theatre over the years, so I am not worried about their commitment and dedication to the project.

I will keep everyone informed as to my final decision, but in the meantime In have attached a copy of a speech I gave at a Student Conference on the Arts recently. The "suits" (aka my bosses at the board office) in the crowd thought I had come pretty close to the line, but I needed to tell the story anyway.

The kids loved it, and my students who attended the conference thought that I predicted the future accurately.

Enjoy the weekend everyone. Thanks again.


Don Keith

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