Canadian theatre on video

Andrea Ramolo aramolo at ROGERS.COM
Wed Sep 25 10:23:19 EDT 2002

To the many Canadian theatre professionals who belong to this listserv,

My name is Andrea Ramolo and I am a fourth year theatre major at York University in Toronto.  I am partaking in an exciting independent study under the supervision of theatre professor, scholar, and critic Don Rubin.  The focus of my study is to locate, through various sources, any audio or visual recordings of Canadian plays or Canadian theatre documentaries.  These can include anything from biographies or interviews with Canadian theatre personnel to documentaries on the creation of various Canadian theatre companies.  Our hope is to locate various sources, catalogue them, and one day make them accessible to theatre scholars, professors, and university or college students.  
    I am definitely not suggesting that the medium of film can do full justice in presenting a live theatrical experience.  It is evident that the two arts speak different languages.  Rather, the objective of the study is to provide visual aids that document the Canadian theatrical canon so that our theatre history may be preserved not only in written form but also in audio and visual form.

    If any of you can be of assistance in this study, your contacts and resources will be greatly appreciated.  

You can email me at aramolo at  

Thank you all for your time.

Andrea Ramolo
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