new series

Denis Salter d.salter at VIDEOTRON.CA
Mon Dec 22 11:14:17 EST 2003

Dear Colleagues,
Southern Illinois University Press invites Canadian authors to submit book proposals for their new theatre series. The goal of Theater in the Americas series is to publish a wide range of scholarship on theater and performance in the Americas, defining theater in its broadest terms and including subjects that include all of the Americas.
The series focuses on the performance and production of theatre and theatre artists and practitioners but welcomes studies of dramatic literature as well. Meant to be inclusive, the series invites studies of traditional, experimental, and ethnic forms of theater; celebrations, festivals, and rituals that perform culture and acts of civil disobedience that are performative in nature. We are interested in biographies of theater and performance activities of all cultural groups, including biographies of individuals, histories of theatre companies, and collections of plays.
Interested authors should check the website for Southern Illinois University Press for more information. Propoals and queries should be addresssed to series editor, Robert A. Schanke at schanker at
The two Canadian editors on the editorial board are Denis Salter and Christopher Innes.  They are also willing to field questions about the
The press and the series editors will be attending the convention of the Association for Theater in Higher Education in Toronto at the end of July 12004.

Meanwhile, Season's Greetings!

--Denis Salter.

". . . From the point of view of a villager in Afghanistan whose family has died in a bombing raid, a villager who has probably never heard of the World Trade Centre, the distinctions between what the US forces are doing and what was done on 11 September [2001] will be academic."--Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, in Writing in the Dust.

Denis Salter
Professor of Theatre
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke St West
H3A 2T6

T: (514) 487 2568/398 6573
F: (309) 294 0444
E: <denis.salter at>
    <d.salter at>

Home Office
4965, avenue Connaught
H4V 1X4

T: (514) 487 2568/487 7309
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