[Fwd: Mini Conference on Dramaturgy in Toronto...]

Luella Massey l.massey at UTORONTO.CA
Tue Jun 1 17:01:54 EDT 2004

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Mini Conference on Dramaturgy in Toronto...
Date:   Mon, 31 May 2004 20:03:37 -0400
From:   Brian Quirt <bquirt at interlog.com>
To:     Conference 6 <bquirt at interlog.com>

LMDA Canada
presents the seventh annual


July 5 & 6, 2004, in Toronto            (apologies for duplicate messages)

This two day conference will focus on case studies in which dramaturgs,
directors and writers discuss the creation of recent shows and a variety
of dramaturgical issues.

Conference sessions take the form of one hour case studies of specific
productions and related topics. Playwrights and their collaborators
examine in detail their creative process and conference participants are
urged to ask questions and offer their insights into new play
development. This year we will be exploring political theatre, the
challenges of a site specific work near Regina, the theatre scenes in
St. John's and Edmonton, and the creation of several new plays.

The Mini-Conference dates are during the Fringe of Toronto Festival,
which runs July 1 to 11 at many venues around the city. Attending the
conference and the Fringe is a great way to see exciting new theatre and
talk with your colleagues about the myriad ways it is created.

Speakers include: (subject to change)

Marjorie Chan   (playwright; Toronto)
Jonathan Christenson   (Artistic Director, Catalyst Theatre; Edmonton)
Andy Houston   (deviser/dramaturg/professor; University of Waterloo)
Jillian Keiley   (Artistic Director, Artistic Fraud; St. John's)
Elyssa Livergant (actor/dramaturg; London, England)
Yvette Nolan   (Artistic Director, Native Earth Theatre; Toronto)
Brian Quirt   (director/dramaturg, Nightswimming, Toronto)
Kelly Thornton   (Artistic Director, Nightwood Theatre; Toronto)
Guillermo Verdecchia   (playwright/director; Toronto)

A detailed schedule of conference sessions will be released in June.


location:   Buddies in Bad Times Theatre (Tallulah's Cabaret)
          12 Alexander Street, Toronto

fees:      ADMISSION IS FREE, but space is limited.
        Please RSVP if you are interested in attending.
        We will establish a waiting list if necessary.

dates:      Monday July 5 and Tuesday July 6; 10am to 5:30pm

info:         To RSVP or for more information, contact:
           Brian Quirt (Chair, LMDA Canada)
           bquirt at interlog.com

LMDA (Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas):

The Mini-Conference on Dramaturgy is generously supported by the
Toronto Arts Council and the Playwrights Guild of Canada.

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