[Fwd: [UTGRADENGL-L] Grad Conf: CanStudies]

Luella Massey l.massey at UTORONTO.CA
Mon Jun 14 14:59:33 EDT 2004

Call for Papers



Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario: October 1-2, 2004

Graduate students from Trent and Carleton Universities are collaborating to
host a graduate student conference October 1-2, 2004 with the aim of
generating debate around the evolutionary nature of Canadian Studies.  The
theme of the conference is "Traditions and Transformations."

"Traditions and Transformations" allows for the possibility of exploring our
disciplinary roots as well as the multiplicity of directions Canadian
Studies has taken since its inception. The organizing committee is now
accepting abstracts in either French or English of 250 words or less for
presentation at the conference. Proposed papers for presentation should fall
within at least one of the five themes below:

1.      Identities: this theme examines the character and experience of

individual, collective and communal identities in Canada.

2.      Environment & Heritage: the focus of this theme is on locality,

landscape, environment and region in Canada.

3.      Policy, Economy & Society: this theme aims to explore the complex

web of relationships linking economy, civil society and public policy in
Canada and their interaction within social, political and cultural life.

4.      Women's Studies: this theme explores women's experiences of the

major dynamics of social, political, economic and cultural development at
all levels of Canadian life.

5.      Culture, Literature and the Arts: this broad theme is interested in

Canadian theoretical discourses on cultural practices, and on the interplay
among theory, art and literature, and their social contexts.

Please send abstracts with contact information to:
trentcarletongradconf at yahoo.ca

The deadline for submissions is June 18, 2004

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