scholarly awards

Marlene Moser mmoser at BROCKU.CA
Thu Sep 2 17:34:22 EDT 2004

Hello all

This is a little late in coming, but would you please help to circulate this
information on the scholarly awards presented by the Association for
Canadian Theatre Research for 2003. Please forward any suggestions for the
2004 awards to Sherrill Grace (sherrill.grace at Thanks very much.

-- Marlene Moser

Richard Plant essay prize (for best paper published in English)

winner: Denis Salter. "Between Wor(l)ds: Lepage's Shakespeare Cycle." Joseph
I. Donohoe and Jane Koustas, eds. Theater sans frontières: Essays on the
Dramatic Universe of Robert Lepage. East Lansing: Michigan State University
Press, 2000. 191-204.

honourable mentions:

Defraeye, Piet. "Robert Lepage's Cinema of Time and Space." Theater sans

Gilbert, Reid. "Panych and Gorling: ‘Sheer’ Texts ‘Written’ in(to)
Perception." Modern Drama XLV no 2 (Summer 2002)

Knowles, Ric. "The Hearts of its Women: Rape, Residential Schools, and
Remembering." Performing National Identities: International Perspectives on
Contemporary Canadian Theatre. eds. Sherrill Grace & Albert-Reiner Glaap.
Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2003.

Loiselle, Andre. "The Corpse Lies in Lilies: The Stage, the Screen, and the
Dead Body." Essays on Canadian Writing 76 (2002)

O'Neill, Patrick. "A History of Dramatic Copyright." Theatre Research in

Wasserman, Jerry. "Joan McLeod and the Geography of the Imagination."
Performing National Identities

Jean-Cléo Godin (for best paper published in French)

winner: Huffman, Shawn. “Dans les coulisses de la fiction: le dramaturge
préfacier dans le théâtre québécois contemporain.” Annuaire théâtral 34
(automne 2003): 58-80.

honourable mentions:

Benard, Johanne. «Krapp en trois temps», Jeu 107 (2003).

David, Gilbert. "La critique dramatique au Québec: Reconnaissance d'un
terrain (presque) vierge." Théâtres québéçois et canadiens-français au XXe
siècle: Trajectoires et territories.  Beauchamp, Hélène et Gilbert David

(dir.) 123-39.

Ann Saddlemyer award (biannual; not presented this year)

Many thanks to the committee members:

Plant Committee

Patricia Badir, Sherrill Grace, Craig Walker.

Godin Committee

Francine Chaîné, Piet deFraeye, Patrick Leroux

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