FWd: Request for assistance

Warren Linds w.linds at SASKTEL.NET
Thu Aug 25 13:24:20 EDT 2005

 I am an undergraduate Theatre Education student at the University of
North Carolina at Greensboro who is in the process of applying for the
Fulbright Scholarship to Canada. I am interested in theatre that
empowers students to think critically about their surroundings, their
decisions and themselves. My ideal plan, and the one that I will be
proposing to the Fulbright Committee, would be to link up with a theatre
company that is doing empowering theatre with youth. I would work with
them in order to get a feel for how theatre is being used in Canada to
change the lives of young people. Then I would devise and implement a
plan to take that work into the public schools because when my Fulbright
year is over I want to be able to do this type of important theatre with
students in schools

I would greatly appreciate contact names of teachers in the Vancouver or
Toronto areas. I would love to work with a high school teacher who is
doing process based drama, not just working on the finished product of a
production. I am in the process of trying to find people I could link up
with during my year in Canada and work with in order to learn more about
Forum Theatre and Theatre of the Oppressed.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Caitlin Cornwell

cecornwe at uncg.edu

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