bibliography software

Glen Nichols nicholsg at UMONCTON.CA
Fri Jun 24 09:14:01 EDT 2005

Here's a different question for you. What kind of bibliography software do you use? Are you pleased with it? Where did you get it and how expensive was it?
I purchased Biblioscape a couple of years ago (Lite edition, online about $US40 I think) just to keep track of bibliography lists (the software can do all sorts of other research functions, but as it's not on my laptop, so I only use it as a biblio database). It is great for the most part but seems strangely unstable at times. This week it suddenly blicked out on me with a violation error and in the recovery I lost my data from the last couple of weeks. This has happened a couple of times before and I'm getting a bit frustrated with it, so I was wondering if others have had better experiences with bibliography software and what kinds you might recommend.
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