Bibliothèque Nationale Du Québec

Denis Salter denis.salter at MCGILL.CA
Tue May 10 22:37:54 EDT 2005

Dear Colleagues,

This is a follow-up note to Hélène Beauchamp's description of the wonderful exposition / exhibition on "Le théâtre jeune public: l'art des recontres" which she 'curated' (her official role is as "commissaire et rédactrice") for the new BNQ which has just opened here in Montreal.  There is also an exposition / exhibit on the theme of "Tous ces livres sont à toi: De L'oeuvre des bons livres à Grand Bibliothèque 1844--2005" which is 'curated' (his official role is as "directeur artistique de l'exposition") by Michel Marc Bouchard. Hélène Beauchamp's exhibit consists of posters, costumes, maquettes, masks, books, and puppets, all superbly displayed amidst the book collections, so that one has the impression of theatre and literary culture happily and creatively infused, interacting in mutual support.  This exhibit is accompanied by an excellent, 40-page text, filled with photographs, commentary, and finishing with a helpful selective bibliography.  Michel Marc Bouchard's exhibit is arranged according to different kinds of books, serving different purposes, within different historical periods; the books are displayed as closed, opened, and disarticulated texts, using simple but highly theatrical modes of spatial expression.  This exhibit is also memorialised by a handsome text full of photographs and explanatory details, vividly summarising the complex history of book publication and dissemination in Québec over 170 productive years.  Both exhibits will be on, I believe, until January 2006.  So if you are visiting Montréal in this period, I would say that both exhibits are must-sees, as is the new Bibliothèque itself, a striking study in post-modern architecture in which the emphasis is on transparency, accessibility, and sensuosity. In preparation for your visit, you might wish to browse the BNQ website at
--Denis Salter.

"To celebrate this award, and the work it recognizes of those around the world, let me recall the words
of Gandhi: My life is my message. Also, plant a tree."--Wangari Maathai, winner of the 2004 Nobel 
Peace Prize.


" . . . and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks: 
nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."
 Isaiah 2.4
Denis Salter
Professor of Theatre
McGill University
853 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, QC
H3A 2T6
Tel (514) 398 6550
Fax (514) 398 8146
d.salter at
denis.salter at

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