Conference 2007 <fwd>

Wes D. Pearce Wes.Pearce at UREGINA.CA
Sun Nov 5 22:55:00 EST 2006

I am forwarding this on behalf of a colleague at the U of R...please do
not contact me directly but rather email ann.kipling.brown at 
if you are interested.



Dear Theatre Colleagues,

I am sending you the link for the upcoming conference to be held May 9 
Ð 12, 2007 at the University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. 
The conference is titled ÒCrossing Boundaries: Investigating the nexus 
among arts, education, and community.

The conference provides an opportunity for actors, artists, arts 
educators, dancers, musicians, policymakers, scholars and writers to 
come together and share creative ideas, processes and works of art. It 
is also a good time to network with artists and educators from other 
arts areas and to plan future developments with funders, program 
developers, and administrators at the local, provincial, national and 
international level.  

The deadline for proposals is November 30, 2006.

There is also a pre-conference workshop (May 8-9) on Arts-based 
Research, facilitated by Dr. Karen Bond from Temple University in 
Philadelphia. Her workshop 
description says, "In arts education, creative alternative ways of 
conceptualizing, analyzing, interpreting and representing research has 
increasingly taken centre stage in university programs, conferences and 
scholarly journals. In this workshop Dr. Karen Bond will lead an 
exploration and commentary on arts-based methodologies and studies."

I hope you will be interested in submitting a proposal for the 
conference program. I would also appreciate you forwarding this message 
to your colleagues, graduate students and anyone else you think would 
be interested in the conference.



Ann Kipling Brown, Ph.D.
Professor, Dance Education
Arts Education Program
Faculty of Education
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2
Tel: 306 585 4525
Fax: 306 585 4880

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