Fwd: CCA's Cultural Policy Teleconferences - Preparing for the 2008 federal budget

Bruce Kirkley Bruce.Kirkley at UCFV.CA
Tue Jun 5 18:18:47 EDT 2007

>>> "CCA Info" <CCAinfo at ccarts.ca> 05/06/2007 2:28 pm >>>
CCA's Cultural Policy Teleconferences

Preparing for the 2008 federal budget


Is your organization interested in the federal government's tax policies
to support the arts and cultural sector? Is your organization a
registered charity?


The CCA invites its member organizations to a conference call on the
status of several fiscal issues of relevance to the arts and culture
sector, including a case currently before the Supreme Court of Canada
that could have an impact on the charitable status of individual arts


The teleconference will take place on June 14 at 1:30 pm Eastern Time.
We can accept up to 12 participants for the call, which is expected to
last about 45 minutes. At the end of the discussion, you will be asked
if you would like to serve on the CCA Cultural Fiscal Policy steering
committee. The first task of this group will be to assist the CCA in
preparing its position paper for the 2008 pre-budget consultation, whose
deadline is expected to be around Labour Day weekend.


Further to this teleconference, the CCA will set up the steering
committee, using the traditional balancing considerations of region,
discipline, language, etc. The membership will be presented to the CCA
Board at its meeting the following weekend and members of the committee
will be informed shortly thereafter.


In preparation for your participation in this discussion, we refer you
to the following information:


1)       The brief presented by the CCA to the Minister of Finance on
December 15, 2006

2)       The response received from the Minister on May 28th, 2007
http://www.ccarts.ca/en/documents/letter.flaherty_240507.pdf ;

3)       Imagine Canada's summary of the case currently before the
Supreme Court of Canada concerning charitable status (attached). 


To register as a participant please telephone (613) 238-3561 ext. 20 or
send an email to abongiovani at ccarts.ca before June 13, 2007, 12:30 pm.
Confirmed participants will receive the phone number and password to
use. This service is for CCA members only.

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