Luella Massey l.massey at UTORONTO.CA
Tue Nov 27 16:22:41 EST 2007

Call for Papers, Performances, and Workshops
*Extended Submission Deadline: Monday, December 10, 2007
FOOT (Festival of Original Theatre):
(En)gendering Performance: Feminism(s) in Representation

February 28-March 1, 2008

The Graduate Centre for Study of Drama at the University of Toronto is
pleased to announce our annual student-run conference and festival,
the Festival of Original Theatre (FOOT), running from February 28 to
March 1, 2008 at the Drama Centre. Scholars and artists are invited to
submit proposals for papers, performances and workshops for this
year's theme, (En)gendering Performance: Feminism(s) in

This festival intends to initiate a inter-disciplinary interrogation
of the use of feminism as an approach to criticism of representation.
The 1970's and 1980's produced an unprecedented body of scholarly work
examining gender in representation; as many of the key titles produced
during this period are currently being entered into a nascent canon
of feminist work--a term many feminists take issue with--we seek to
explore their relevance today. Located, as we are, in Canada and on
the cusp of a possible fourth wave of feminism (what some might call
post-feminism!), it is crucial to ask what feminism in
representation looks like today.

We see feminism as a questioning of power and the structures,
discourses, and relationships that it prescribes and inscribes on the
subject.  Using this as a working definition, FOOT 2008 seeks to
examine multiple modes of representation including, but not limited
to, theatre, film, visual arts, dance, and historiography.  We see
feminism(s) in these modes as tools to break the cycles of inscription
at work in our respective cultures.

We are looking for submissions that take up the theme in any format
including, but not limited to papers, performances, posters,
installations, and workshops. Possible topics might include:

  * feminist performance theory
  * feminist performance/artistic strategies
  * representations of gender in theatre, film, art, or dance
  * feminist approaches to historiographic representation
  * feminist dramatic/art/dance criticism

Please submit a 300 word proposal to foot.graddrama at by
**Monday, December 10, 2007**. Please note that paper presentations will
be limited to 20 minutes. If submitting a performance, workshop, or
installation proposal, please include a list of technical and spatial

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