Call for Panelists for ATHE Conference-LGBTQ Playwrights Facing Difficult Dialogues

Frank Miller Frnklin2001 at COMCAST.NET
Wed Sep 26 23:41:26 EDT 2007

I am trying to put together a discussion panel for the next  
Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) conference on the  
unique challenges facing LGBTQ playwrights.  Along with a brief
statement of what interests you as a playwright, I'm
interested in dealing with the rewards of writing on
LGBTQ issues, whether you feel you works that don't
deal directly with LGBTQ issues still reflect a
sensibility grounded in your sexuality and what
challenges have faced you in getting your works

Along with this, I would like for each playwright to
bring a short scene from her or his work that would be
read as part of the presentation.  Ideallly this would
be something that illustrates your response to one of
the issues we'll be raising on the panel.  These works
could either be read cold by panelists and members of
the audience, or we could enlist graduate students for
help and send them scripts electronically about a week
in advance.  I would leave the latter up to the
individual playwrights.

The conference will take place July 31-August 3, 2008, at the Grand  
Hyatt Hotel in Denver.  Panelists would need to join the ATHE and pay  
all conference fees (much as I'd like to be able to bring in some of  
our more august members myself, the funding isn't there).

If you're interested please contact me by October 15.  If
we have enough playwrights to get together a decent
panel, I will submit the proposal.

"No daring is fatal. The whole logic of the universe is contained in
daring, in creating from the flimsiest, slenderest support." -- Rene  

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