Announcing CATR Work/Life Balance Caucus

Jenn Stephenson jenn.stephenson at QUEENSU.CA
Tue Jun 10 09:46:34 EDT 2008

In talking to a number of people at the recent CATR conference in Vancouver,
it seemed to me that there was some interest in starting a new caucus group
for CATR: a Work/Life Balance Caucus. The focus of this group will be on
issues concerning how we balance academic work (with its infinite demands
and rewards) and everything else (with its infinite demands and rewards).
Topics might include issues around parenting, especially for new parents and
pre-tenure and graduate student parents, managing with elderly or ill
parents, coping with 24/7  emails which eat into non-traditional work hours,
strategies for wellness (nutrition, exercise, dealing with stress), and so
on. Caucus membership is open to all CATR members. 


The first initiative of the caucus is to launch a listserv for general

To subscribe send an email to listserv at In the body of the
email type "subscribe catrworklife-L <your name>" You will then receive a
follow up email to confirm that you are in fact a person and not an
automated web crawler. When you reply to that 2nd message you will then be
successfully subscribed. To send a message to the list, the address is
catrworklife-L at

Further initiatives of the caucus will hopefully include events at future
CATR conferences (perhaps with invited speakers)


Please pass this message on to anyone you think might be interested. Please
contact me if you have any questions or ideas.

Jenn Stephenson


Jenn Stephenson

Assistant Professor, Drama

Queen's University

Kingston, Ontario

K7L 3N6

(613)533-6000 x78597

email:  <mailto:jenn.stephenson at> jenn.stephenson at

URL:  <>



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