Women in Canadian Theatre

Louise . Forsyth louise.forsyth at SHAW.CA
Sat Jun 26 10:51:54 EDT 2010

Dear colleagues,


I have been invited to contribute articles to a 4-volume dictionary
currently being prepared on women in theatre everywhere for the publishing
house in Paris Des femmes. My contribution will be an overview of women in
anglophone Canadian theatre and short pieces on 5-10 Canadian
"personalities" from the past and the present: playwrights, directors,
actors, technicians, stage managers, designers, costumers, artistic
directors, etc.


Do you have suggestions for me of women in Canadian theatre who are/were
outstanding artists and who have made a significant contribution and
difference? I don't want to overlook anyone and Canada is a vast country
with a significant history. My knowledge certainly has its limits and I
thank you in advance for allowing me to draw on yours.


Thanks for your ideas and any names you can send me.


Louise Forsyth (louise.forsyth at usask.ca)

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