CFP - Sharon Pollock: First Woman of Canadian Theatre Conference (March 28-31, 2012)

Lourdes Arciniega, University of Calgary mlarcini at UCALGARY.CA
Fri Jan 7 22:06:35 EST 2011

Call for Papers for The Sharon Pollock: First Woman of Canadian Theatre Conference to be held at the University of Calgary from March 28 to 31, 2012.

On the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of Canadian dramatist Sharon Pollock, a multi-disciplinary panel of scholars from the University of Calgary is proud to host an Academic Conference on March 29-31, 2012, celebrating the astounding range of work from this internationally acclaimed playwright, actor, artistic director, and teacher. Sharon Pollock has been a leading voice in the national theatre scene, and her work continues to reflect the diversity of Canadian culture. This conference is part of a celebration of her career during the same week, which will include readings, technical workshops, and special cultural events, with Pollock in attendance. Therefore, we invite scholars and students of Pollock’s work to submit paper proposals, which address the multi-faceted range of Pollock’s work, and the various aesthetic, political, and cultural themes foregrounded in her plays. Scholars may also put together, and submit for consideration, panels highlighting an area of Pollock’s work. Proposals may also address Sharon Pollock’s CBC radio plays. 
Following is a list of suggested topics for presentations, but the list is not exclusive. Participants are free to propose their own queries, based on individual areas of research, and interest. 

➢	Pollock’s plays as autobiographical work, and the cross-fertilization of events, ideas, and characters.

➢	The challenges of being human, as reflected in her characters’ struggle to 
overcome political and social injustices, prejudices, and domination.

➢	The playwright as political activist. In what ways has Pollock been influential as a political playwright?

➢	Pollock’s place in the history of Canadian theatre and her increasing role on the international stage.

➢	Pollock’s role as a woman artistic director and her views on theatre management.

➢	Pollock’s involvement in community theatre as mentor to young actors, writers, and directors. 

➢	Feminist perspectives and theories on her work. How do the plays reflect, or produce new ideas on feminist representation on stage?

➢	Women on the Verge: Pollock’s heroines, often artistic or creative figures, and their tenuous hold on reality.

➢	Pollock’s border crossings and postcolonial studies of her work, as well as her representations of marginalized characters and minorities.

➢	Transformation and Performativity on stage. Who do her characters want to be, and who are they pretending to be?

➢	How has innovative staging contributed to the appreciation of her work? 

➢	Is Pollock part of the Angry Young Women playwrights? How does violence work in her plays?

➢	The lure of the forbidden in Pollock’s plays: Is Pollock’s use of taboo subjects spectacular or spectacle? 

Interested participants should submit a comprehensive 250-word abstract of their paper and a brief one-paragraph bio to Dr. Donna Coates, Associate Professor, Department of English at the University of Calgary, at dcoates at by April 1, 2011.  

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