ASTR nominations

Alan Filewod afilewod at UOGUELPH.CA
Tue Dec 10 12:53:46 EST 2013

Dear colleagues, 
In case you have not seen this, I am circulating the call for nominations for the American Society of Theatre Research executive. It would be very useful to have some Canadian names on the slate. 

The ASTR Nominating Committee invites nominees for the following positions: 

    * Vice President of Awards (term to begin November 2014 ) 
    * Secretary (term to begin November 2014 ) 
    * Treasurer (term to begin November 2014 ) 
    * Executive Committee (3 vacancies terms to begin November 2014 ) 
    * At-large member of the Committee on Conferences (term to begin November 2014 ) 

Members are invited to to indicate their interest in being considered for these officer positions and elected and appointed committee positions opening up in the current year. (Members can refer to the "ASTR Leadership" and "Committees and Appointments" under "About" on the ASTR website at ). 
Interested members should contact the chair of the Nominating Committee, Alan Filewod , with an e-mail message including their name, title, institutional affiliation, address, research specialization(s), and preferred positions. In considering candidates for nomination, the American Society for Theatre Research does not discriminate based on race, color, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, age, religion, or disability status. Additionally, in considering candidates for nomination, the American Society for Theatre Research seeks to represent a broad spectrum of scholarly interests that reflects the diversity of the field(s) of Theatre and Performance Studies 


Alan Filewod 
Professor and Director, 
School of English and Theatre Studies 
University of Guelph 
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