CFP: To Foreign Shores! Canadian Theatre Makers at Home and Abroad

Yana Meerzon Yana.Meerzon at UOTTAWA.CA
Sun Nov 24 18:49:34 EST 2013


The 2014 Canadian Association for Theatre Research (CATR) Conference will take place at Brock University, from May 24 to 27, 2014, as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

This is a Call for PARTICIPANTS for the seminar _To Foreign Shores! Canadian Theatre Makers at Home and Abroad_

The seminar invites interested participants to investigate dramatic and performative renderings of Canada in the dual context of the immigrant theatre artists’ experiences within

the country and abroad. It aims to explore the West-East/North-South dichotomies in Canadian theatre, both in English and French, focusing specifically on issues of language,

space, spiritual and religious values, and identity.

 It welcomes contributions searching for interdisciplinary methodological approaches from the fields of sociology and theatre, anthropology and performance studies,

art and film history, semiotics, cognitive studies, and theory of literature and drama.

The auxiliary questions to be addressed are:

Ø  How is the figure of Other envisioned in the works of immigrant theatre artists working in Canada, Canadian artists-expatriates, established Canadian artists, in English and/or French?
Ø  How is Canada depicted through the works of recent immigrants, Canadian artists-expatriates; in English and/or French?
Ø  How do the experiences of nostalgia, displacement, cultural and linguistic othering mark these works?

The seminar will accept no more than 12 (twelve) papers, no longer than 5000 words each.

The deadline to receive the proposals (250 words) is January 15, 2014; the due-date for the final papers is March 15, 2014.

Send your inquiries and proposals to ymeerzon at<mailto:ymeerzon at>

Yana Meerzon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Theatre, University of Ottawa
135 Séraphin-Marion, Room 304B
Ottawa ON Canada, K1N 6N5
Telephone: 613 562-5800, ext. 2243
E-mail: ymeerzon at<mailto:ymeerzon at>
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