Call for applications - Theatre Topics co-editor

Kim Solga ksolga at UWO.CA
Mon Nov 3 10:33:47 EST 2014


Theatre Topics is seeking a new journal Co-editor to serve a two-year term beginning August 2015, followed by a two-year term as Editor beginning in August 2017. 

Theatre Topics is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles and essays exploring subjects at the intersection of theory and practice. Topics is published three times a year. 

Given the range spanned by articles appearing in the journal, there is no restriction on the editor’s own area of expertise. The successful applicant must have support from her or his home institution.

To apply, please email: 1) a current CV, 2) a cover letter noting qualifications and a vision for the journal; and 3) the names and contact information for three recommenders to: Soyica Colbert, ATHE Vice President for Research and Publications, at sdc71 at Complete applications are due by Dec. 1, 2014.

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