MA in Theatre Studies at Guelph

Alan Filewod afilewod at UOGUELPH.CA
Wed Oct 22 15:29:39 EDT 2014

Dear Colleagues, 
The School of English and Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph is accepting applications for the MA in Theatre Studies for 2015-16. 

The Masters of Arts Degree in Theatre Studies is a research-based degree that offers students the opportunity of working with award winning theatre scholars and practitioners. The program applies several dynamic approaches to theatre studies that merge theory and practice. Students take five courses, including two mandatory courses and three elective courses. The required courses include i) THST*6220, which provides a context for the discipline and establishes a consistent discourse for students working in the program; and ii) THST*6150, which introduces students to the theory and practice of theatre-historical analysis, and situates selected aspects of theatre history as a practice and an institution. The degree provides opportunities for students to pursue in depth an area of specialized research. 

Elective courses are subject to the special interests of faculty research and practice; these courses will rotate regularly among core faculty. For their electives students may take any graduate course offered in English or Theatre Studies, or may apply to take graduate courses in other programs ; however, it is strongly recommended that at least two of the three electives come from the Theatre Studies course offerings in the Winter Semester. 

For 2015-16, The Guelph Theatre Studies MA will offer a suite of five courses: 

Theatre Theory with Ric Knowles: 
“How Theatre Means” for both scholars and practitioners (including practitioners of devised theatre), presenting an expanded semiotic approach with special focus on cross-cultural issues and on the relationships between theory and practice. 

Theatre Historiography with Mark Fortier: 
“Ben Jonson Now.” This course approaches theatre history as a history of reception of the work of one particular dramatist, Ben Jonson, and the material elements that go into forging and maintaining that reception: editions, criticism, biography, production. It will offer an exploration of the critical understanding and appreciation of Ben Jonson in literary and theatrical studies at the present time. 

Bodies and Space in Performance with Sky Gilbert: 
“Creating Theatre of the Real: Confessional/Personal Performance.” Class experiments will involve rehearsing with self-presentation, theatricalized discussion, and critical consideration of the question ‘what is real’? 

Performance and Difference , with Mark Lipton: 
“ Performing the Body: Science/Sex/Culture. ” Critical scholarship on the history of science and sex(ual construction) is utilized to investigate semiotic conventions deployed in speech, image, and performance about body politics, sexological imperatives, the cinematic body, erotic imagination, the proliferation of deviance, and intersecting structures on sex, gender, sexual orientation, race and class. 

Devising , with Judith Thompson: 
Students will be guided in the creation of a solo piece written around a social/political theme or real life character, created through research and interviews. 

For information on applications, program details and funding opportunities, please contact: 

Graduate Secretary 
School of English and Theatre Studies 
University of Guelph 
Guelph ON 
N1G 2W1 

519-824-4120 ext. 56315 
petriko at 

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